The wind turbine V17 - 75 is a production of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, a manufacturer from Denmark.

The rated power of Vestas V17 - 75 is 75,00 kW.

The rotor diameter of the Vestas V17 - 75 is 17 m. The rotor area amounts to 226,98 m². The maximum rotor speed is 35,5000 U/min.

The Vestas V17 - 75 is fitted with a helical gearbox. The gearbox has 3 stages.

In the generator, Vestas Wind Systems A/S sets to Aircooled. The voltage amounts to 400 V.

In the construction of the tower, the manufacturer uses lattice/steel.

The wind turbine V19-90 is a production of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, a manufacturer from Denmark. This manufacturer has been in business since 1979.

The rated power of Vestas V19-90 is 90,00 kW. At a wind speed of 3,5 m/s, the wind turbine starts its work. the cut-out wind speed is 23 m/s.

The rotor diameter of the Vestas V19-90 is 18,8 m. The wind turbine is equipped with 3 rotor blades. The maximum rotor speed is 42,6 U/min.

The Vestas V19-90 is fittet with a paralelle gearbox. The gearbox has 2 stages. Manufacturer of the transmission is Hansen/Flender.

In the generator, Vestas Wind Systems A/S sets to induction. The manufacturer has used 2 generators for the V19-90. The maximum speed of the generator is 1.000 U/min. The voltage amounts to 400 V. At the mains frequency, the V19-90 is at 50 Hz.

In the construction of the tower, the manufacturer uses steel tube.

The wind turbine V29 is are a production of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, a manufacturer from Denmark.

The rated power of Vestas V29 is 225,00 kW. At a wind speed of 3,5 m/s, the wind turbine starts its work. the cut-out wind speed is 25,0 m/s.

The rotor diameter of the Vestas V29 is 29,0 m. The rotor area amounts to 661,0 m². The wind turbine is equipped with 3 rotor blades. The maximum rotor speed is 40,5 U/min.

The Vestas V29 is fittet with a Spur gearbox. The gearbox has 2,0 stages. Manufacturer of the transmission is Valmet.

In the generator, Vestas Wind Systems A/S sets to Asynchronus. The manufacturer has used one generator for the V29. The maximum speed of the generator is 1.008,0 U/min. The voltage amounts to 400,0 V. At the mains frequency, the V29 is at 50,0 Hz.

In the construction of the tower, the manufacturer uses Steel tube/Lattice